is the core class of pymkv. It is used to import, create, modify, and mux MKV files.
Below are some basic examples of how the MKVFile
objects can be used.
Create and mux a new MKV. This example takes an standalone video and audio track and combines them into an MKV file.
>>> from pymkv import MKVFile
>>> mkv = MKVFile()
>>> mkv.add_track('/path/to/track.h264')
>>> mkv.add_track(MKVTrack('/path/to/another/track.aac'))
>>> mkv.mux('/path/to/output.mkv')
Generate the mkvmerge command to mux an MKV. This is example is identical to the first example except the command is only generated, not executed.
>>> mkv = MKVFile()
>>> mkv.add_track('/path/to/track.h264')
>>> mkv.add_track(MKVTrack('/path/to/another/track.aac'))
>>> mkv.command('/path/to/output.mkv')
Import an existing MKV and remove a track. This example will import an MKV that already exists on your filesystem, remove a track and allow you to mux that change into a new file.
>>> mkv = MKVFile('/path/to/file.mkv')
>>> mkv.remove_track(0)
>>> mkv.mux('/path/to/output.mkv')
Combine two MKVs. This example takes two existing MKVs and combines their tracks into a single MKV file.
>>> mkv1 = MKVFile('/path/to/file1.mkv')
>>> mkv2 = MKVFile('/path/to/file2.mkv')
>>> mkv1.add_file(mkv2)
>>> mkv1.mux('/path/to/output.mkv')
class pymkv.MKVFile(file_path: str | PathLike | None =
, title: str | None =None
, mkvmerge_path: str | PathLike | Iterable[str] ='mkvmerge'
)¶ A class that represents an MKV file.
class can either import a pre-existing MKV file or create a new one. After anMKVFile
object has been instantiated,MKVTrack
objects or otherMKVFile
objects can be added usingadd_track()
respectively.Tracks are always added in the same order that they exist in a file or are added in. They can be reordered using
, orswap_tracks()
.After an
has been created, an mkvmerge command can be generated usingcommand()
or the file can be muxed usingmux()
.- Parameters:¶
- file_path : str, optional¶
Path to a pre-existing MKV file. The file will be imported into the new
object.- title : str, optional¶
The internal title given to the
. If title is not specified, the title of the pre-existing file will be used if it exists.- mkvmerge_path : str, optional¶
The path where pymkv looks for the mkvmerge executable. pymkv relies on the mkvmerge executable to parse files. By default, it is assumed mkvmerge is in your shell’s $PATH variable. If it is not, you need to set mkvmerge_path to the executable location.
- Raises:¶
FileNotFoundError – Raised if the path to mkvmerge could not be verified.
- add_attachment(attachment: str | MKVAttachment) None ¶
Add an attachment to the
.- Parameters:¶
- attachment: str | MKVAttachment¶
The attachment to be added to the
- Raises:¶
TypeError – Raised if if attachment is not a string-like path to an attachment file or an
add_track(track: str | MKVTrack, new_file: bool =
) None ¶ Add a track to the
- property chapter_language : str | None¶
Get the language code of the chapters in the MKVFile object.
chapters(file_path: str, language: str | None =
) None ¶ Add a chapters file to the
command(output_path: str, subprocess: bool =
) str | list ¶ Generates an mkvmerge command based on the configured
- static flatten(item: T | Iterable[T | Iterable[T]]) list[T] ¶
Flatten a list or a tuple.
Takes a list or a tuple that contains other lists or tuples and flattens into a non-nested list.
>>> tup = ((1, 2), (3, (4, 5))) >>> MKVFile.flatten(tup) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> tup = (["abc", "d"]) >>> MKVFile.flatten(tup) ['abc', 'd']
- property global_tag_entries : int¶
Gets the number of global tag entries in the MKVFile object.
- link_to_none() None ¶
Remove all linking to previous and next files.
This method clears any existing links to previous or next files, effectively removing the file linking options for the current MKVFile object.
- link_to_previous(file_path: str) None ¶
Link the output file as the predecessor of the file_path file.
mux(output_path: str | PathLike, silent: bool =
, ignore_warning: bool =False
) int ¶ Mixes the specified
.- Parameters:¶
- Returns:¶
return code
- Return type:¶
int of Any
- Raises:¶
ValueError – Raised if the external mkvmerge command fails with a non-zero exit status (except for warnings when ignore_warning is True). This includes scenarios such as invalid command arguments, errors in processing the
, or issues with output file writing. The error message provides details about the failure based on the output of the command.
- no_attachments() None ¶
Ignore the existing attachments of all tracks in the
object.This method sets the no_attachments attribute to True for all tracks in the MKVFile.
- no_chapters() None ¶
Ignore the existing chapters of all tracks in the
object.This method sets the no_chapters attribute to True for all tracks in the MKVFile.
- no_global_tags() None ¶
Ignore the existing global tags of all tracks in the
object.This method sets the no_global_tags attribute to True for all tracks in the MKVFile.
- no_track_tags() None ¶
Ignore the existing track tags of all tracks in the
object.This method sets the no_track_tags attribute to True for all tracks in the MKVFile.
- order_tracks_by_file_id() None ¶
Assigns file IDs to tracks based on their source files.
Creates a mapping of unique file paths to numeric IDs, then assigns each track a file ID corresponding to its source file. Tracks from the same file will have the same file ID.
This method modifies the file_id attribute of each track in self.tracks.
- replace_track(track_num: int, track: MKVTrack) None ¶
Replace a track with another track in the
split_chapters(*chapters: int | Iterable[int], link: bool =
) None ¶ Split the output file into parts by chapters.
- Parameters:¶
- *chapters : int, list, tuple
The chapters to split the file by. Can be passed as any combination of ints, inside or outside an
object. Any lists will be flattened. Chapters must be ints.- link : bool, optional¶
Determines if the split files should be linked together after splitting.
- Raises:¶
TypeError – Raised if any chapters in *chapters are not of type int.
ValueError – Raised if *chapters contains improperly formatted chapters.
split_duration(duration: str | int, link: bool | None =
) None ¶ Split the output file into parts by duration.
- Parameters:¶
- duration : str, int¶
The duration of each split file. Takes either a str formatted to HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn or an integer representing the number of seconds. The duration string requires formatting of at least M:S.
- link : bool, optional¶
Determines if the split files should be linked together after splitting.
split_frames(*frames: int | Iterable[int], link: bool | None =
) None ¶ Split the output file into parts by frames.
- Parameters:¶
- *frames : int, list, tuple
The frames to split the file by. Can be passed as any combination of ints, inside or outside an
object. Any lists will be flattened. Frames must be ints.- link : bool, optional¶
Determines if the split files should be linked together after splitting.
- Raises:¶
TypeError – Raised if non-int frames are passed in for *frames or within the *frames iterable.
ValueError – Raised if improperly formatted frames are passed in for *frames.
- split_none() None ¶
Remove all splitting options.
split_parts_frames(frame_parts: Iterable[int], link: bool | None =
) None ¶ Split the output in parts by frames.
- Parameters:¶
- frame_parts : list, tuple¶
An Iterable of frame sets. Each frame set should be an
object of an even number of frames or any number of frame pairs. The very first and last frames are permitted to be None. Frame sets containing four or more frames will output as one file containing the parts specified.- link : bool, optional¶
Determines if the split files should be linked together after splitting.
- Raises:¶
TypeError – Raised if any of the frame sets are not a list or tuple.
ValueError – Raised if frame_parts contains improperly formatted parts.
split_size(size: Bitmath | int, link: bool | None =
) None ¶ Split the output file into parts by size.
split_timestamp_parts(timestamp_parts: Iterable[list[str] | tuple[str, ...]], link: bool | None =
) None ¶ Split the output in parts by time parts.
- Parameters:¶
- timestamp_parts : list, tuple¶
An Iterable of timestamp sets. Each timestamp set should be an Iterable of an even number of timestamps or any number of timestamp pairs. The very first and last timestamps are permitted to be None. Timestamp sets containing 4 or more timestamps will output as one file containing the parts specified.
- link : bool, optional¶
Determines if the split files should be linked together after splitting.
- Raises:¶
TypeError – Raised if any of the timestamp sets are not a list or tuple.
ValueError – Raised if timestamp_parts contains improperly formatted parts.
split_timestamps(*timestamps: Iterable[str | int], link: bool | None =
) None ¶ Split the output file into parts by timestamps.
- Parameters:¶
- *timestamps : Iterable[str | int]
The timestamps to split the file by. Can be passed as any combination of strs and ints, inside or outside an
object. Any lists will be flattened. Timestamps must be ints, representing seconds, or strs in the form HH:MM:SS.nnnnnnnnn. The timestamp string requires formatting of at least M:S.- link : bool, optional¶
Determines if the split files should be linked together after splitting.
- Raises:¶
ValueError – Raised if invalid or improperly formatted timestamps are passed in for *timestamps.
- swap_tracks(track_num_1: int, track_num_2: int) None ¶
Swap the position of two tracks in the
track_tags(*track_ids: int | list | tuple, exclusive: bool | None =
) None ¶ Include or exclude tags from specific tracks.
- Parameters:¶
- *track_ids : int, list, tuple
Track ids to have tags included or excluded from.
Determines if the track_ids should have their tags kept or removed. exclusive is False by default and will remove tags from unspecified tracks.
- Raises:¶
IndexError – Raised if any ids from *track_ids is is out of range of the track list.
TypeError – Raised if an ids from *track_ids are not of type int.
ValueError – Raised if *track_ids are improperly formatted.